RRB NTPC Result 2022 Will Declared Soon, Check out Marks

RRB NTPC Result 2022 : As we know Railway recruitment board's None technical popular category examination held in September 2019 and now Candidates are searching for the result. Here, In this post, I am going to sharing with you complete details of RRB NTPC Result. There are total three stages of Result like CBT ( Computer Based Test ), Aptitude test and skill test and afterwards final result will be announced. As 1st stage of RRB NTPC Examination computer based test completed, Board will declare its result in the form of PDF File. Candidates are advise to check their result visit official website and download Tier 1st RRB NTPC examination result 2022.
RRB NTPC Result 2019-2020

RRB NTPC Result 2022 Date

The Answer key will be released after the examination successfully completed in different Railway Zonals. All candidates who appeared in this examination will be informed for the aptitude test and skill test. But Now the biggest question is that when will results be announced. I would inform you all the RRB NTPC Aspirants who are constantly searching about the result.There were thousands of candidates who have have given this exam so it is simple to understand why does it took more time. As soon as we got the official information about result, will be mentioned here.

RRB NTPC Vacancy Details 2022

Railway recruitment cell has announced this vacancy in Feb 2019 after declared Group D Result. Applications for this recruitment were invited for 65,000 posts. Since the exam has been done for this recruitment, result be released soon, if you want to know the result, then visit the official website, apart from this you cannot check the result from anywhere.

Let's know about this recruitment in detail. Know all the information related to this recruitment like notification, total posts, job location and salary.
RRB NTPC Vacancy Overview  
RRB Railway Recuirtment Board
Name of Post NTPC
Job Location India
Total Posts 35,208
Exam Type Online (CBT)
Starting Date of Application 1 March 2019
Last Date to Apply 31 March 2019
Salary 19,900-21,700
Examination Date August to September
Date of RRB NTPC Result 14/01/2022

RRB NTPC Cut off Marks 2022

Results will be released after completion of CBT, in which candidates are selected for aptitude test, skill test on the basis of cut off marks. But, if you do not know what cut off marks, then let me tell you that it is a qualification to be decided by the railway cell in which the candidates based on a certain number are selected for the next step. Candidates who receive less number than the cut off marks are excluded from the further process. This cut off marks list is released as soon as the result is released, the candidates can download and watch it from the official website of their zonal railway. If you do not know how to download the cut off marks list, then here we will tell you about this by doing a step by step guide. But, now RRB NTPC Result has not been released so wait.

How to Check Railway NTPC Result 2022 ?

According to the information received, CBT result is going to be released soon, as soon as we get official information related to this, we will mention here.
Currently all the work is being done through internet, but still, there are many things which have to struggle a lot. If you have given the NTPC CBT exam conducted by railway cell and now you want to know the result of this but you do not know how to check the result, then about it, I will go through all the steps in detail here. I will tell you that it will be easy to know the RRB NTPC Result.

Let me tell you that in order to check RRB NTPC Result, you must have some important information which can also be application or form number, date of birth, Roll Number, Mobile Number, email id. If you have all these information then you can know the RRB NTPC Result by following the steps mentioned below.
  1. First of all, you have to visit Railway Zonal official website, from where you applied for this post.
  2. Now you can Result option mentioned in Homepage, click on it.
  3. Here are two options, Written Exam Result & Final Result.
  4. So you to click on Written Exam result.
  5. In the next page you can see latest announcement about result, you need to select option which you want to check.
  6. PDF will be downloading automatically, open it in pdf Reader and find out your roll number.
To help all candidates, here are all the websites link of different railway zonals so you will be able to check RRB NTPC Result from which zonal you applied. Check out below.
RRB Web Portals list   
RRB Region web Portal
Ahmedabad http://www.rrbahmedabad.gov.in/
Ajmer (NWR) http://www.rrbajmer.gov.in/
Allahabad (NCR) http://www.rrbald.gov.in/
Bangalore (SWR) http://www.rrbbnc.gov.in/
Bhopal (WCR) http://www.rrbbpl.nic.in/
Bhubaneswar (ECOR) http://www.rrbbbs.gov.in/
Bilaspur (SECR) http://www.rrbbilaspur.gov.in/
Chandigarh (NR) http://www.rrbcdg.gov.in/
Chennai (SR) http://www.rrbchennai.gov.in/
Gorakhpur (NER) http://www.rrbgkp.gov.in/
Guwahati (NFR) http://www.rrbguwahati.nic.in/
Kolkata (ER) http://www.rrbkolkata.gov.in/
Mumbai (CR) http://www.rrbmumbai.gov.in/
Patna (ECR) http://www.rrbpatna.gov.in/
Ranchi (SER) http://www.rrbranchi.gov.in/
Secunderabad (SCR) http://www.rrbsecunderabad.gov.in/

RRB NTPC Exam Pattern

Let me tell you that this exam will be in total 4 sections, in which objective type questions will be asked. The level of questions asked in this exam will be secondary. All types of competitive exams have a fixed exam pattern and do the same for this exam.

In RRB NTPC CBT Exam, a total of 3 types of questions will be asked, these questions will be related to general awareness, mathematics, general intelligence and reasoning. For all these questions there is a fixed score and the deadline is also certain. All the candidates who have 90 minutes in the set time, have to solve the questions.

No candidate will be given extra time, so before the exam, make sufficient preparation with mock test, so that all the questions can be attempted in the exam in due time. Following are the marks on the questions asked in this exam.

In this examination, 40 questions of General awareness, 30 of Mathematics, General Intelligence and 30 questions of Reasoning will be asked, 1 question has been prescribed for each question. In this way, this examination will be of total 100 numbers.

Let all the candidates know that this computer based test (CBT) will also have negative marking and one third mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. So keep this in mind while solving questions. A total of 90 MINUTES has been set for the exam, so solve all the questions within the scheduled time. In this exam (PwD) candidates will be given an additional time of 30 minutes.

Read in detail about what kind of topics will be asked in RRB NTPC CBT exam.

In the general awareness section number of topics included for the RRB NTPC CBT examination such as current events ( National & International, Sports, Politics, Art, Culture, Literature, General science, History and geography of India, government constitution, World Economy, Environment, General computer knowledge including MS-Word & Office  ). The section 1st of Paper contains 40 question of 40 marks.

The second of RRB NTPC CBT Exam will be Mathematics related 30 questions with 30 marks. it holds topics like Number System, Decimals, Fractions, LCM, HCF, Ratio and Proportions, Percentage, Mensuration, Time and Work, Time and Distance, Simple and Compound Interest, Profit and Loss, Elementary Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry, Elementary Statistics etc.

Third section will be the general intelligence and reasoning with 30 question from different topics such as Numbers, Analogies, Number of completion, Coding-decoding, Relationship, Analytical approaches, decision making, graph and so on.

RRB NTPC Answer Key 2022

After successfully conducted the examination, answer key will be released on by the Railway department as soon as possible. If you're searching for it than wait for few days as we get official information regarding to RRB NTPC CBT Answer key, we will surely mentioned here in this post. So wait until official release of answer key of this exam.

RRB NTPC Selection Process

The selection procedure depend on certain criteria decided by the Railway Board. In this recruitment, there will be three part of selection for the posts in none technical popular category. At 1st stage CBT ( Computer based test ) organize by the board and if a candidate passed this exam, will be called for the next stage as mentioned in the notification.

The next step, candidates called for the Mains examination and selected aspirants notified for the Aptitude test and typing test skill. Procedure to be selected for the various posts under none technical popular category is very simple and based on merit, So if candidate passed in all these tests will be selected.

What to Do after RRB NTPC CBT Result 2022 Declaration

So here, I assume that you're passed in 1st stage ( Prelims ) and now wanted to know what to do next so do not worry as I mentioned earlier in this post, you will get notification from the Railway cell for Mains examination, prepare yourself for the next examination.

Do you need to know more about the RRB NTPC CBT result, drop comment below.

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  1. sir RRB ntpc ka admit card kbtk aaega? .

  2. RRB NTPC Ke Admit card ko lekar official information jaari nhi huyi hai.


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